Many clients come to therapy for multiple reasons; most clients are seeking when the "anxiety" is too much to endure. I provide therapy for individuals-(children, adolescents and adults), couples, and facilitate process groups. I also provide trainings and keynotes centered around equity and inclusion. I help individuals cope with mechanisms that will help find ways to make different choices and re-invent ourselves; so we then become the architect, the planner and the builder of our lives, throughout our lives.

Joshua Magallanes
Let's face it therapy is a journey that therapist and client take together. I provide therapy that examines the whole client through a social justice framework and what that looks like in today's busy society. When a client is able to see how the institutions and systems around them have influenced their perceptions; a light-bulb goes off and the magic happens. I believe if we can work together with honesty and integrity that the Alliance is built and we become accomplices rather than allies. Understanding one's own intersection of identity is key to the therapeutic work. If we do not understand how our multiple identities work for or against us, we are unable to move from one place to another on our life journey. It's my hope that the client is then able to make life happen for them, instead of allowing life to happen to them. This enlightenment is sometimes the opening to a life we've been searching for. This work is by far the most fullfilling and most fun for me. I feel honored to learn about all my clients through their lens, I hold this and all my moments with clients to the highest level of appreciation and gratitude.
~Mas Alla~